A reflection from the Chair on 2024 as we look ahead to the new year.
Dear Members,
I was standing almost 7,000m in the air, looking at the summit of Aconcagua, when the following conversation ensued.
Our Head Guide, Vito, had made the decision that, based on strict summit safety guidelines (around descending in daylight and having the time to conduct any emergency evacuations required), that we’d effectively run out of time and would not be able to climb to reach the summit. There was only around 100m to go, but, due to the steepness of the slope, it would’ve taken us about 45 minutes to climb. That was time we didn’t have.
One team member disagreed and thought he should be given the right to attempt to summit. It was the time for our Guide to show strong leadership qualities. He did. And so we started our descent.

The reason I start with this anecdote, is that afterwards, when I was thinking about it, I could see many parallels between my journey in Aconcagua and the journey that JudoScotland is going through.
There are lots of ups and lots of downs. But we keep going. Sometimes the right decisions are not the most popular, but as long as they are made for the right reasons, then they are totally justifiable. During my 3 week expedition there were many times I fell into my tent, exhausted, thinking that my journey had ended and I had nothing left to give for the day after. Then, the next day, we got up and, as a team, we just got going again.
And going back to JudoScotland, on reflection, I believe we’ve had an excellent year. As a team we’ve implemented many changes to improve our organisation and run an excellent Scottish Open, followed by our excellent world-class Gathering. And finally the year cumulated in JudoScotland, for the first time in our entire history, winning the National Governing Body of the Year Award. I’ve never been prouder as Chair of our organisation to take this fantastic accolade given to us by our peers.
And, so, as the year comes to an end, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank the clubs, coaches, judoka, volunteers, staff and Board of Directors for coming together and working so hard for us all to achieve this award.
Over the next couple of years, there will be many major decisions that need to be made – some of them straightforward. Others not. But all made for the right reasons.
I hope you all had a great Christmas and Hogmanay and are looking forward, like I am, to an exciting and productive 2025!
Marc Preston
6th Dan